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║6 декабря - Крупнейшая Экологическая Акция ║
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6 декабря 2008 года пройдет Всемирная акция в которой приймут участие 75 стран. Ее цель - привлечь внимание к проблеме ГЛОБАЛЬНОГО ПОТЕПЛЕНИЯ и слабого контроля за выбросом опасных газов в атмосферу!
«Климатические изменения - это глобальная проблема, требующая глобальных решений. Никогда еще не было такой необходимости в совместной работе всех стран, как сейчас. Но достижения на заседаниях ООН на тему климата в последние 12 лет были так малы, что теперь нам необходимо всемирное движение, чтобы продвигать ту деятельность, которая необходима для предотвращения глобальной климатической катастрофы. Это глобальное движение сейчас как раз образуется - люди на всей планете осознают наконец-то масштаб угрозы климатических изменений и несостоятельность всех усилий мировых лидеров в обсуждении этой проблемы ».
Together with environmental organisations, social movements, political
parties, trade unions, youth activists and development agencies we are
organising a Global Day of Action against Climate Change at the time of
the UN climate talks. Our first Global Day of Action on climate took
place in 2005 with mass climate demonstrations in Montreal and London
and smaller events and protests in over 20 countries. In 2006 on our
second Global Day of Action nearly 100.000 Australians took their
climate demands to the streets and 30.000 protested in London
accompanied by climate protests in over 30 countries. Our most
successful Global Day of Action so far happened on the 8th December 2007
at the time of the Bali climate talks with protests and demonstrations
happening in over 70 countries worldwide. Thousands demonstrated in
Istanbul, Berlin, London, Kathmandu, Denpasar, Brussels, Taipei,
Toronto, Beirut and many, many more places.
With the climate talks soon reaching a crucial stage in negotiating a
post-Kyoto agreement in 2008/2009 it is more important than ever to
build a global climate movement that vocalises the public demands of
people from all parts of the world. This movement calls for the urgent
action we need to prevent runaway climate change and help countries
adapt to future changes in their ecosystems and those already caused by
climate change. This year will be really important, because we have an
opportunity to sway the opinions of delegates at the Poznan climate
talks, whereas by the time of next year’s UN climate talks in
Copenhagen, they are likely to have already decided their positions.
Below you can find a link to our latest global newsletter with articles
from organisers of the Global Day of Action in the Philippines, China,
Australia, Lebanon and many more. The second link contains a
photo-document about last year’s climate protests:
Large version of the newsletter
Detailed photo-document on the actions last year
For more information about what is already planned for the 6th December
2008 in other countries please go to www.globalclimatecampaign.org
I am writing to ask you to get involved with the Global Climate Campaign
by helping to organise a climate protest in Russia, as there is nothing
planned so far to mark the day in your country. The coordination would
not need to be the responsibility of only one person or organisation,
generally several organisations work together. Once