VIII International Science Conference for students, Doctoral students and researchers “ RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT: economy, technology, management ”
We invite you to participate in
VІII International
Science Conference
for students,
Doctoral students and researchers
economy, technology,
management ”
Academic personal of universities, doctoral students, researchers, as well as entrepreneurs, are welcomed to participate in the conference.
The organizers will publish the papers of the confer-ence. Each participant becomes information materi-als, collected papers and certificate about participa-tion.
The working languages of the conference are Rus-sian, Ukrainian and English.
The conference will be held in
Kyiv, Ukraine
on April 15-18, 2009
in the NTU “KPI”
1. Management
(Dr.oec Professor L.Dovgan)
2. Enterprise economy
(Dr.oec, associate professor S.Tulchinska)
3. International economy activities
(Professor V.Gerasimchuk)
4. Marketing
(Dr.oec, associate professor A. Zozulyov)
5. Mathematical methods and infor-mation technology for economy
(Professor V. Kapustyan)
The papers and registration form should be send by March 2, 2009, at the lat-est as two files (zayavka(registration_form)_name, tezy_name), to e-mail:
VIІІ Міжнародна науково-практична конференція студентів, аспірантів і молодих вчених “НАУКОВО-ТЕХНІЧНИЙ РОЗВИТОК: економіка, технології, управління”