VIII Международная научно-практическая конференция студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых "Научно-техническое развитие: экономика, технологии, управление"

  • Подписчики: 80 подписчиков
  • ID: 7172353
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VIII International Science Conference for students, Doctoral students and researchers “ RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT: economy, technology, management ” We invite you to participate in VІII International Science Conference for students, Doctoral students and researchers “RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT: economy, technology, management ” Academic personal of universities, doctoral students, researchers, as well as entrepreneurs, are welcomed to participate in the conference. The organizers will publish the papers of the confer-ence. Each participant becomes information materi-als, collected papers and certificate about participa-tion. The working languages of the conference are Rus-sian, Ukrainian and English. The conference will be held in Kyiv, Ukraine on April 15-18, 2009 in the NTU “KPI” Sections: 1. Management (Dr.oec Professor L.Dovgan) 2. Enterprise economy (Dr.oec, associate professor S.Tulchinska) 3. International economy activities (Professor V.Gerasimchuk) 4. Marketing (Dr.oec, associate professor A. Zozulyov) 5. Mathematical methods and infor-mation technology for economy (Professor V. Kapustyan) Registration The papers and registration form should be send by March 2, 2009, at the lat-est as two files (zayavka(registration_form)_name, tezy_name), to e-mail: VIІІ Міжнародна науково-практична конференція студентів, аспірантів і молодих вчених “НАУКОВО-ТЕХНІЧНИЙ РОЗВИТОК: економіка, технології, управління”